About Cannock Chase Woodturners
Who We Are
Cannock Chase Woodturners' club was founded in 1994, by John Buckley-Golder, Ged Evans and Brian Rutter.
The club now has around forty members and is always open to new members. We welcome experienced turners, beginners and the mildly interested. Meetings are relaxed and, no matter what is going on, we take a mid-meeting break for tea, biscuits and a laugh.
We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Details of where to find us are on the Contact/Find Us page.
Visitors Welcome
Cannock Chase Woodturners Club welcomes visitors and new members. Whether you are an experienced turner or have never picked up a gouge before you are welsome to come along and meet us.
Coming along to a club meeting is a great way of finding out more about woodturning. If you've not tried woodturning but fancy a go do come along to a meeting and make yourself known to one of the committee. If you want to fiond out a little more before coming to meeting please send us a message using the Contact/Find Us page.
Club Meetings
Meetings are generally in the format of a demonstration or a hands-on club night.
Meetings are held at Norton Canes Trinity Methodist Church Hall, Poplar Street, Norton Canes, Cannock, WS11 9SG beginning at 7pm and finishing by 10pm.
Usually there is a raffle held when we break for tea/coffee, it is £1 per ticket and prizes are a selection of items.
A range of demonstrators from the professional circuit, and from amonst our own number, are included in the programme. Demonstrations provide instruction and humour, usually in equal measure. Most demonstrators are happy to answer questions (at least those that relate to turning) and, for beginners in particular, provide a great opportunity to learn new skills and pick up new ideas.
Hands-on Club Nights
At hands-on club nights, members divide up into teams, each team having at least one experienced woodturner as a team leader. A challenge will be issued, such as making mushrooms. At the end of the evening, the Chairman will decide on a winning team (though it should be stressed that the objective of these evenings is not just about winning).
The objective of hands-on meetings is to allow as many people as possible to have a go, particularly those new to turning. For those with some experience, it provides a chance to practise, get help from others, have a go with tools you may not have used before and try finishes you may not have used before.
The club is run by a committee elected each year for a one year term at the AGM.
Current committee members are:-
Steve Cassidy (Chairman)
Pauline Cassidy (Secretary)
Anthony Kelly (Treasurer)
Jason Addis
Committee members can be contacted via the contact form on the Contact/Find Us tab. If your message is for a particular committee member please include their name in the Subject line of your message.